Google Glass y tabletización

Dave Winer, en su blog:

We’re still struggling with mobile devices, trying to figure out what they’re good at. One thing they are not, is being a general-purpose computer. The reason is simple. No keyboard. No way around that. Without a keyboard, they are good for reading and relatively short messages. They work well for text messaging and Twitter. I marvel at how some people can write full blog posts and emails with their tablets and phones. But I think that will continue to be something that only some people can do. I’m an excellent typist, but I have to use two index fingers on a virtual keyboard. There isn’t room for both my hands.

Now to Google glasses.

I think they will make an excellent display device for the obvious reason that they’re mounted in front of your eyes, the organ we use for vision. The idea of moving your fingers to the side of your head, of winking to take a picture, well I don’t like that so much. I admit I might be a luddite here, and am going to keep my eyes and ears open for indications that I’m wrong. It happens, quite a bit when it comes to brand-new tech.

I think they could be a great part of a mobile computing platform. With more computing power and UI in my pocket, in the form of my smart phone, or in a big pocket, in the form of a tablet. They communicate over Bluetooth, and together form a more useful reading and communication device, but probably still not a very good writing tool. The idea that I would use glasses without tethering them to something more capable for finger-work, well that’s what I thought was wrong with the PDA idea in 1994.


Jose Alcántara
Resolviendo problemas mediante ciencia, software y tecnología. Hice un doctorado especializado en desarrollo de hardware para análisis químico. Especialista en desarrollo agile de software. Más sobre Jose Alcántara.

2 comentarios

  1. … con polvo de hada a tutiplén, la torta del google glass va a ser legendaria. El usuario mainstream no lo usará, los que tenemos presbicia no lo usaremos, lo prohibirán para conducir y para muchos bares…

    Es una solución en busca de un problema. Brin se va a pegar una torta personal, a la que se suma la torta aún mayor de page con plus :/

    Una pena. Han cambiado el ecosistema rupturista y confiable de labs por cosas que desfilan por pasarelas y una red social invasiva

    1. Yo creo que como gadget, el punto de las gafas es interesante. No estoy seguro de que lleguen antes de tiempo (puede que Brin esté a punto de marcarse «un Newton», quizá van a coger la parte del aura Apple que no querían coger, je je). Y en todo caso es verdad que «Labs» era un poco como el salvaje oeste y ahí se permitían probar cosas en estadíos muy tempranos, o ideas locas… Ese tiempo pasó, en cualquier caso.

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